The journey to Authentic Leadership is a very personal one, and it's a path which I believe ALL leaders should tread, whether they are those people in positions of authority, responsibility and power within an organisation whom we automatically think of as a leader, or whether they are consultants who are gently leading their clients by the hand and acting as role models of professionalism and compassion to achieve engagement and thereby subsequent improvements in bottom-line results.
For me, the quality of relationships underpins all successful business results and all successful organizations. Authentic Leadership enables us to develop authentic relationships; with ourselves and with others. I believe that it’s going to be THE most powerful leadership model of the future and is the only way that the world is going to survive this current recession to come out of it stronger at the other end.
For me, the quality of relationships underpins all successful business results and all successful organizations. Authentic Leadership enables us to develop authentic relationships; with ourselves and with others. I believe that it’s going to be THE most powerful leadership model of the future and is the only way that the world is going to survive this current recession to come out of it stronger at the other end.